Say Hello to *Bob* !

Potions is STILL down (for me), sadly the Sony people still haven’t found a way to resolve the glitchy issues… So will have to remain a patient Hufflepuff for the 17th day running. So while being quite frankly bored on Pottermore (Duel btw also still down), I spent a bit of my time with photoshop, trying to recreate *Bob* 😀

10 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. pixiemagic
    Sep 07, 2011 @ 20:48:13

    Potions aren’t down. Duelling is. I think some people are still having issues with Potions but they are definitely not down. I really wish I could duel though.

    • SeekerRose184
      Sep 07, 2011 @ 23:30:47

      Well I call potions down as 3 of my best friends on twitter (pottermorefamily) and myself have all had same glitch for almost 20 days now! 😦 The program is up but no points are added, or a potion bottle given. We tried everything to un-glitch it but the cauldron won’t budge from it’s 100% brewing. The other potions are disabled as only ‘cure for boils’ or the potion the person last made is selected.

      We all emailed Pottermore and all had same reply: they are still trying to find a solution to the problem! Grrr….
      I have only 10 days left of free time before full time work and back to Uni, so won’t be able to help gain points at all 😦

      • pixiemagic
        Sep 08, 2011 @ 13:31:29

        I had a glitch for 2 weeks with Sleeping Draught. It kept resetting. It would say 100% complete but then when I checked on it I had to start over. It was annoying but then it somehow fixed itself.

      • SeekerRose184
        Sep 08, 2011 @ 19:52:36

        I tried something a Slytherin said in the Great Hall, to try to ‘time-out ‘the potion. I did so, but still my 1pt for trying wasn’t added. 😦
        And the screen went back to cauldron instead of the potion book. As it still thinks i’ve got that 100% brewing potion on from 20 days ago. *thud*
        I think i’ll just have to wait for when they finish the tweaks they talked about in the insider blog…

  2. glowhallow
    Sep 07, 2011 @ 21:24:36

    So…what exactly is BOB?

  3. Jeyna Grace
    Sep 08, 2011 @ 08:10:29

    At least you can explore the site further.. i cant even log on as my owl aint here yet.

    • SeekerRose184
      Sep 08, 2011 @ 09:45:46

      Aww I’m sorry 😦 When I was still waiting for my owl, these twitter messages of people moaning about potions, where bothering me too.
      But now i’m inside, I do understand them now…Pottermore is fun for the first few days, when you can explore the book, get sorted and everything. Sadly once you’ve read through the 17 chapters about 5 times, you really are finished with the site. All that remains is brew potions to gain house points (or wizard’s duel). So when these two games don’t work (still Beta phase), there’s nothing left to do.

      Which is why almost everyone has suggested to PM: make more small games! Even a simple solitaire card game would keep us entertained (well i’d be happy with it lol) 🙂
      Others have asked for Wizard’s chess or word games…and Quidditch. I hope Pottermore will make these.
      Hope you’ll get your owl very soon!

  4. --- (@iwantveggie)
    Sep 08, 2011 @ 12:43:45

    Hi SeekerRose184, I’d like to ask if you could give me Pottermore’s email? I had taken a few screenshots of cheating cases of a Ravenclaw member and I would like to submit them. Thank you.

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